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How to Bring Mindfulness to Your Company’s Leadership

How to Bring Mindfulness to Your Company’s Leadership

So you’ve heard about the mindfulness movement, and perhaps come to the conclusion that it might benefit the employees of your company. If you are trying mindfulness for the first time, it might be a good first step to try out some mindfulness exercises with company...
It’s Okay to Switch Between Leadership Styles

It’s Okay to Switch Between Leadership Styles

For many decades, an abundance of research has been conducted on the topic of leadership — or, more specifically, which leadership style is most effective in the workplace. Most professionals would agree that there are multiple types of leaders, with the most...
How to Achieve the Ideal Work-Life Balance

How to Achieve the Ideal Work-Life Balance

Struggling to achieve the ideal work-life balance always seems like it’s a top priority for busy executives. It can be challenging, but making deliberate lifestyle choices can help leaders fully enjoy their work, family, and community. Get Outside During the Workday...
What’s Your Leadership Style?

What’s Your Leadership Style?

If you’re a business leader, take a step back and think about some of the traits you display in the workplace. Do you enjoy teaching your employees about the business? Do you always consider how your business decisions could impact your employees? These traits and...